Menu from the Banquet Celebrating the Induction of Hyraxx 43 as Planetary Emperor

- Boiled Vegetables from the Banks of the Therberius Dry-Ice River, Marinated in Skorkleberry Wine
- Slow-Smoked Rack of Hyraxx 42
- Soup of Egg of Three-Headed Eagle from the Cliff-Nests of Uch
- Fresh-Baked Bread in the Style of the Thrar Dynasty, May Her Name Be Honored for Many Generations
- Raw Larvae of Hyraxx 42, Served With Leafy Greens in an Herb-Citrus Aioli
- Cocktails Mixed with the Milk of Well-Cared-For Water-Wolves
- The Head of Hyraxx 42 on a Platter, Bearing a Most Pained Expression
- Assorted Cookies Filled with Sweetened Jujifruit Crème (the Jujifruits Having Been Watered With the Blood of Hyraxx 42's Children)