One original sci-fi story per day for all of 2023 | Created by screenwriter Timothy Michael Cooper, illustrated using A.I.



I could see she was already beginning to crack, so I applied an emotionally plausible expression (Subroutine ∆L5c:b.09, if you're interested), begging her to reconsider our breakup.

"Don't look at me like that!" she murmured. "I love you, but sometimes you feel a million miles away."

Though I don't typically prefer to deploy it, I unleashed an adaptive touch to her clavicle (Recursive Functor N2x-p1p) that would stimulate oxytocin release.
Her eyes fluttered with what she’d call pleasure: "I melt when you do that."

I executed a smile; my beta infiltration trial was going even better than expected.